Wednesday, June 20, 2007

4 On The Floor...

Our beloved yorkie, Sabastian (aka: Bastian, Pee-pee Dog, Sir Bastard, Big Guy, Little Guy, Cuddle Butt) was put to sleep today.

Bastian had been exhibiting some strange symptoms since last night, which only got worse by morning. I immediately took him to the vet to find out what was wrong, and the vet told me his problems were neurological in nature. (Which could've been caused by anything from cancer, infection, trauma, etc...he wasn't sure.) The vet said they could run some tests and send us to a specialist, but he could not assure us that there really was anything we could do to make Bastian better.

Of course right now I'm going over all the things I think I could have/should have done to prevent this (or at least made his last days here as enjoyable and full of cuddles and kisses as possible). I'm thinking over Bastian's life trying to assure myself I was a good mommy. I understand this is all ridiculous to dwell on...I did the best I could, I know this, and I know Bastian was a happy pup since the day we brought him home.

There's so much I want to say right now but I can't put the words together correctly. I will try to write more once things settle down a bit. Bastian's illness, and subsequent death, came as quite a shock to me and Nick and we're both just trying to deal with it in our own ways.

Bastian will never be forgotten and he will always be missed and loved.

- Angel

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