Sunday, September 2, 2007

Making Some Changes...

Nick and I decided to make some changes. We'd been feeling very stagnant since the pups died, and our living conditions had become less than desirable. The feng shui of the place was way off balance, and we needed to rearrange a few things.

It all kinda started after Nick had set up an appointment for our internet provider to make a house-call to see why we hadn't gotten the upgrade we had ordered (and had been paying for). Since we were set up wirelessly, we had our computers far from the router...but seeing as how they (the internet provider) frown upon 3rd party wireless routers, we had to plug in. That could have been done one of two ways...either try to run cable through the crawl space above the ceiling, or relocate our computers closer to the router. We'd been planning on changing some things up, 'round here, for a while now...and so we decided to relocate our computers.

This was a great idea. Not only did we get most of the place cleaned up in the process, but I also learned how to hook up my own computer. Yay! It may sound trivial, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I cleaned everything off, including the cables, and set everything back up in it's new located with little-to-no assistance from Nick. It's just a little thing, but I felt very accomplished.

We're both done with the set up of our new computer/desk locations, but we've still got some trash to throw away and another section of the floor to sweep and mop. Once it's all said and done, our place will look more "human". We're very glad we decided to do this. Our next project will be tackling the kitchen and/or cleaning up and tiling the master bedroom. Woot! We're reclaiming our duplex one room at a time!

Until next time...

- Angel

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